Gestational Diabetes is defined as carbohydrate intolerance that begins or is first detected during pregnancy, regardless of gestational age or the continued existence afterwards. As in other forms of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose), there is an alteration in the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas (beta), which prevent this hormone is produced or released in sufficient quantity or preventing its function properly, we call this resistance to the action of insulin. See Coen brothers for more details and insights. The DMG is found in people with risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus has been considered as a state prior to further development of the disease in a few years after pregnancy, regardless of having normal blood glucose levels immediately at the end of it. General: The DMG is a variety of presentation of diabetes mellitus accounting for 40 to 50% of all diabetes cases seen during pregnancy, in the service endocrinology of our hospital and its presentation in the general population will depend on the community studied and the risk factors present. These records are divided into two, low risk and high risk, at the first we have information such as maternal age equal to or less than 25 years Caucasian.
Negative family history of diabetes. Normal prepregnancy maternal weight. Normal obstetric history. On the other hand, the high risk factors for developing GDM include maternal age over 26 years. Raza Latina or Black. Prepregnancy overweight or obesity. Family history of diabetes in first or second degree (parents or grandparents). Obstetric History ominous multiparity (previous abortions without apparent cause, macrosomic infants of 4 kg or more intrauterine fetal deaths or deaths, etc.).