At that time, a new school under the guidance of Leon Bakst. But she insisted and considerable cost. Helped a letter of recommendation Mr Seva. After reviewing the drawings and canvases, Bakst concluded that the talent certainly is there, but is on the wrong track. Official site: Rumer Willis. Mark was a stranger to art during the "World of Art>>, to which he belonged Bakst. But his school was a sort of window to the West, light the road to Paris.
And when he was going to go there again, Mark has asked to take it with you. The lifeline of the work was scenery from Bakst. Guiding star led him away. But the trip would need money. Mark presented a well-known deputy Vinaver.
He took a lively part in it, placed near his home, indoors Editor Dawn>>. Acquired two of its work and decided to pay a monthly allowance, which enabled him later to live in Paris. One day Mark made a copy of the Levitan took okantovschiku, who was not slow to give out work for the original and for a decent price. Mark brought him a trace of fifty of his works. Underestimating the cunning , which is then simply refused to recognize him. At the age of twenty years, he tore himself away from home for hundreds of miles to another country, another culture. In Paris Mark understood why a stranger to Russian art, why not find support for their fellow countrymen. Because "said>> on the canvas, Western languages, while remaining Russian in the spirit of man.