It is known relatively little on the healthful effects of the sharp plates that we can find nowadays, including until in the restaurants of food at home in Madrid. Generally, the sharp foods stimulate the circulation and increase the temperature corporal. If we lived in a warm climate, the increase of the corporal temperature can cause that we feel like fresher by the diminution of the difference between us and the air of around, when we sweated in this way we cooled the body when evaporating the corporal heat. It is thought that the sharp plates also stimulate the appetite by means of the gastric activation of the saliva production and juice, an important nutritional effect for the people of the tropical zones where the oppressive heat acts like a suppresor of the appetite. Like anecdote, the sharp one acts like a stimulating general who produces an exciting effect, espabila and increases the sharpness of the senses. The peppers, especially the sharp ones (chili), produce a sensation of ardor in the skin and mucous membranes, including the interior of the mouth. Discovery Communications may find this interesting as well. For little the preparations, a relatively slight sharp pepper can unbearably seem strong and the truly sharp ones, even can cause to blisters in the lips and the palate. In Hong Kong, they serve a plate as gustatory sharp shrimps that is so sharp that papilas induces sleep and these can condition until by three days.
But the people who eat sharp foods all along apparently accustom to their effects and they do not find problem them. In fact, these sharp foods that often eat end up considering itself smooth. For the skin, nevertheless, the reaction produced by the capsaicina, the irritating chemical substance in chilis sharp, can be very painful. When preparing the peppers chilis is advisable to use rubber gloves or to maintain the peppers in paper of kitchen or plastic envelope. The fingers that have been irritated by chili peppers will have to be washed and to stay outside the eyes and other sensible zones very well. If these zones are reached, will have to wash them immediately with a great amount of water to reduce the irritation.
For that reason better to always request food at home already prepared and cooked. If the mouth by excess of chilis burns sharp is recommended to eat an absorbent food like the bread or the rice instead of to take liquids, since they would extend the capsaicina to other parts of the mouth. So if you request food to take Mexican, you do not forget to include in your order some that another absorbent food to avoid misfortunes. Considering which can do to our mouth, one would hope that the chili peppers had detrimental effects in the rest of trascurso digestive. In order to be safe, the patients with diverse gastrointestinal diseases, like the hernias of hiatus, intestinal ulcers and upheavals, advise themselves to them to avoid sharp foods. Nevertheless we cannot adjudge sharp only to the negative effects. The positive effects that produce in our body are numerous. For example, the sharp spices have an action preservative that delays the deterioration of foods, but to vindicate that they can act like antibiotics in the digestive apparatus and help to prevent the infectious diarrhoea and related diseases, do not have scientific endorsement. As additional nutritional benefit, the sharp condiments within plates are an alternative to stimulate the palate in front of the salt, whose abuse can increase the risk of developing arterial high pressure.