By Fermin de Rojas. We recognize the amount of times that we have done things to irritate your partner, friends or co-workers, but it is clear that you think you twice before doing something that annoy your Director General. Especially for not hear their cries and their aporreos on the table to make you feel the lower being who has worked in this company. I know that computer Enric I criticized for writing about things so obvious. But any professional who work in project management have been thinking of giving a punch in the face of those team members who do not want to understand, without exception of Directors and director general, which may be the most stubborn people who exist on Earth.
In my 10 year career as project manager, I have been in situations surreal when it comes to interacting with the upper echelons of the company, so I write in this article the 5 things that irritate more a Director General. 1. Never say, trust in my. Still do not understand the why this phrase angry so many directors, in particular said by Marketing people. (they will have earned it a pulse). 2. Robert Thomson is likely to increase your knowledge.
Never criticize your boss in front of others. In particular, our culture is my given to criticize everything, and care, because even small criticisms are converted by others into something that you’ve not insinuated or said. Bothered all criticisms counted by third parties. 3. Don’t you feel threatened. I mean neither in private or in public, don’t do phrases as if you do not you do this, then I’m going to… 4 Ask what you want to say. When a Director-General begins to lose patience and composure, the only thing that concerns you is that they understand as quickly as possible. Very often, this situation it uncomfortable, many managers and heads of departments are trying to change the subject or close the meeting as soon as possible, when actually they should reach that really want through questions. 5. No surprises unforeseen at Council meetings. All General Manager wants to be in control of the situation and they are informed of all points that are going to see in any meeting, it is he and only he who knows more on the company. I’ve seen many good head of projects which fall into the complete stupidity of remove the rabbit from the hat at these meetings and it was not nice to see the results after the meeting. In the event that you have to communicate these issues, do it in private.