A common gynecological problems: The cystitis, constant urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, and a burning sensation during urination are typical symptoms of a bladder infection. Almost every second woman has suffered at least once an infection of the urinary bladder, which is mostly caused by bacteria. With its unpleasant symptoms, mainly women suffer from a bladder infection. The reason for this is that the urethra of men is longer and it’s harder for pathogens to penetrate in the urinary bladder. The shorter urethra of women done faster and then leads to an inflammation of the mucous membrane or even the entire wall of the urinary bladder. Causes of a bladder infection be differences an acute and a chronic bladder infection. Not yet fully healed inflammation or a new infection leads to a chronic cystitis. A bladder infection is caused mainly by bacteria, rare worms, mushrooms or viruses.
The bacteria which are responsible for the bladder infection, most Escherichia coli, often come from the intestinal flora, and are responsible for about 80 percent of infections. To prevent prevent and treat of a bladder infection to a bladder infection, at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day should be consumed. Bacteria from the urethra with the urinary are excreted through urination. Especially in the cold season should dress them sufficiently warm and wet clothes will be changed after rain or snow. The risk that pathogens in the urethra enter is particularly high during sexual intercourse. Then you should go as soon as possible on the toilet to rinse may be penetrated pathogens from the urethra. Who suffers from a chronic, so recurring cystitis, for which there is special teas that soothing effect for urinary tract disorders in the trade. Also, cranberry juice helps against infections of the urinary bladder.
It contains substances the a nesting of the bacteria in the mucous membranes, prevents and so counteract inflammation.