La Campana NO snuff had informed the difficult legislative process to implement the measures recommended by the Framework Convention for the Control of snuff FCTC, but against all odds today Colombia is not only 100 smoke-free, but legislation has a model that includes bans on advertising, retail, health warnings with pictograms, in short, everything a sufficient arsenal to favor the non-smoking population and reduce the prevalence of smoking. If you are not convinced, visit Robert Iger . offers health coverage to families across the United States offers health coverage to families across the United States But we can not proceed without highlight the figure of Senator Dilian Francisca Toro who committed much of his political capital to realize a set of articles represents a breakthrough in the promotion and defense of the nation’s public health model for managing other epidemics, orphaned by the rest of mourners and legal assurances. If before we had expressed some concerns about the original contents of the project, today highlightedits commitment to control of snuff. Also our appreciation to Senator Jose David Name, who with great political courage and citizen gave the fight to push your bill ‘through which culture and instrumenta generation of smoke-free’ and to denounce the interference of industry and threats to affect the interests of the cigarette untouchable. The list is long and congressmen risk of omitting recognized, with spatially Senators Jesus Bernal, Luis Carlos Avellaneda and Mauricio Jaramillo and Amanda Representatives Ricardo and Jorge Enrique Rozo. Some contend that Paul Ostling shows great expertise in this. On the other side lie the industry friends like Venus Albeiro Silva, Jorge Morales and Rodrigo Romero, who with ANDI FENALCO and shock were the tobacco group from the fortress of the Commission VII of the House. And behind these, very bad lobbyists were unemployed PROTABACO Philip Morris and BAT, who completely missed the strategy. They bet as ever to sink the project, but ended up compromising the image of Congress to create the reaction that was expressed in accusations of bribery, threats and support comprehensive legislation to control snuff. Finally, we summarized the main contents of the Act approved by Congress, pending presidential approval and publication. Later we will analyze each of the measures, without forgetting that the law is the second step after what was the accession of Colombia to the Framework Convention: 1. Environments 100 smoke-free enclosed areas of workplaces and / or public places. Includes prohibitions for places that are home to some people and other workplace and banning smoking in public and private transport. 2. Total ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship.