supports the career center of the University of Leipzig under leads the career center of the University of Leipzig for the first time for his students from 9 to 13 May 2011 the motto “Look ahead with vision, orientation with insight, starting with transparency” a career week and is part of it. From A like Assessment Center to Z as temporary work: A wide information and events provides answers to questions on practical orientation and career. Prof. Beate Schucking, as the new Rector of the University of Leipzig, under the auspices of acquired for this purpose. The professional entry day offers numerous forums on topics such as the professional orientation, work abroad, business and legal issues in the professional event on May 10, 2011. At David Zaslav you will find additional information. Other facilities include workshops and the graduates – contact fair WIK-Leipzig, a panel discussion on the theme “As scholars in the economy” as well as excursions to local companies during the career week. To know more about this subject visit Andi Potamkin.
Partner of career week are among others the cooperation science and Leipzig (KOWA) world of work, the employment agency Leipzig, the Industrie – und Handelskammer Leipzig, the Handwerkskammer zu Leipzig as well as the self management initiative SMILE and the University of technology, economy and culture of Leipzig. The community and the career center of the University of Leipzig cooperate. True to the motto of PACK your studies. Best in Saxony”, we share a common goal. We want to integrate our region very good specialists and executives and common good perspectives. Here again all important information at a glance: Event: career week when: 9 to 13 May 2011 where: University of Leipzig more info:… Program: May 09, 2011: workshops – questions will be learned. Contact employers. May 10, 2011: career entry day – vocational orientation, tips for successful application processes, career module abroad, self-employment, entry forms and labor law, CV-check and application photo action) may 11, 2011: WIK-Leipzig – (also here the community supports fair WIK Leipzig may 12, 2011: Panel discussion – as scholars in the economy? What really counts in the career? May 13, 2011: Excursions to the environmental research centre for positive interactive to Spreadshirt