Is the decision in the departments for one such tool, the implementation phase begins. This will only succeed if several factors in line are: 1 communication already in the initial phase, if internal and external conditions will be analysed, is essentially the ideas and expectations of the marketing software and the associated changes in the Department to communicate clearly. “Depending on the project size this may also be accompanied by a corresponding communication concept” explains Belikan. The expert knows that above all the internal service orientation must be mentalisiert only in the minds of the company. 2. groups of the project are the creation of a project group is always useful. While the size and composition of this group depends on the nature of the actual project.
Is it a pilot project the group in a small frame should act. Must, however due to political reasons the project a special weighting will be awarded, so making a larger group is essential. 3. milestones plan a relevant factor for the successful implementation of a new marketing software is also creating a binding timetable and define milestones. Trust and reliability are side-effects, which are favored by a solid planning. These properties are essential for a constructive cooperation, even if identified at an early stage, that not all needs in the first phase can be considered. 4.
from affected stakeholders make the software that a company wants to use in the respective departments, should always adapt the existing Department processes and optimize them. For this reason, it is to include important also the staff involved in the implementation process. Because: A system with no user has any benefit. “Aim behind the introduction of a new software should be, that the” Staff running the added value of this tool in mind. Because employees are the ones that will use the new scheduling tool, they should enjoy it and learn to appreciate such a system as a valuable and indispensable”Oliver Belikan summarizes. Is a comprehensive central planning tool such as, for example, a marketing planning tool in a company is newly introduced, should be to draw on the extensive experience of the specialised service provider: in implementing the core functionality is supported by the service provider in any case is necessary because they represent the backbone of the software and have relevant experience. Common communication between service providers and enterprises is significant to every time of the collaboration only through an appropriate consultation, preparation and qualified workshops, the successful implementation of marketing planning tools also lead to a successful operation of the same. About the company doubleSlash the doubleSlash NET Business GmbH specializes Project business and product development in the field of enterprise software. The range includes the entire curriculum vitae of software: from consulting and conception, development to operation and maintenance. doubleSlash was founded in 1999 and has today over 80 employees with an annual turnover of EUR 6.2 million.