
All posts for the month August, 2017

A typical patch of four square miles in any part of the Amazon is home to more than 1500 species of plants with flowers, 750 species of trees, 125 species of mammals, 400 birds, 100 reptiles, amphibians 60 and 150 of butterflies. Surprisingly, the Crown of a single tree, perhaps of more than 15 metres, may invoke more than five thousand species of insects. This is a region marked by diversity biological, geological, economic and social; documented for centuries by explorers. For example, many will recall the well-known legend of the Amazons, a myth created when the first man to travel from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic, Francisco de Orellana, supposedly He found en1542 to these women who were ferocious fighters. Since then, other adventurers, scientists and visionaries have traveled, studied, and occupied the region, albeit with varying degrees of success.

Among these, the most notable include: Alexander von Humboldt, whom mapping a passage that connects the basin of the Orinoco River in Venezuela with the Amazon basin, the Casiquiare Canal 300 miles long, available today but only for the most adventurous travelers. Henry Walter Bates and Alfred Russell Wallace, who together made one of the most productive discoveries in the Natural History category. Later, Alfred discovered, along with Darwin, the theory of evolution. Jacques Cousteau, the scientist and bold modern adventurer who, from what I know, is the only person with enough courage to have swum within a school of piranhas. When you visit the Amazon one cannot but appreciate the difficulties that these browsers they faced and the wonders that they found. From the airplane, the green carpet seems endless and peaceful; on the ground is precisely the opposite of input, the traveler will receive gurgles, squeals, Caws, chirps and a plethora of other strange sounds coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Immediately, the scent of freshness of flowering plants mixed with the rancid smell of those in breakdown, which mark the incessant cycle of life and death in this jungle.

The couple has confirmed it in a statement. They ensure that continue preserving for each other a great deal of respect. This same Thursday the singer will reappear in public in Lorca. The singer David Bisbal and its hitherto partner, Elena Tablada, have this Thursday officially announced its breakup through a release sent by a law firm, in which ensures that both have taken the decision by mutual agreement. It has been very difficult, since they have been many years of love and coexistence of which the wonderful fruit is our daughter she, reza said communicated, in allusion to the girl who was born in February of 2010 and which was named at the end of March this year in Miami, one of the last events in which could be seen together to the already expareja.

We want to make it clear we are still retaining a deep respect for the other; We will keep in our hearts the best and most beautiful moments experienced, say Bisbal and Tablada, who began their relationship in 2005. Both were fired by thanking the media support received During these years and also requesting consideration and respect for their decision. This same Thursday Bisbal will reappear before the public following this announcement, in the concert we are all Lorca. Source of the news: David Bisbal and Elena Tablada officially announce their breakup “by mutual agreement”

How to approach this issue, says Alexander Gavrin, Director General of Science and Technology Center "Russian technology business": Reasons for increase in salary may be several, but separate they can be in two groups: formal and informal. First, we discuss formal reasons. In a question-answer forum Leslie Moonves was the first to reply. When you get a job, then the stipulations that have considered it acceptable. Russian legislation provides that the employer and employee must sign a contract – it is there spelled out conditions under which the possible administrative growth, as well as the payment system of your work. If done correctly, the conversation about salary increase becomes meaningless. You own an instrument of calculation, according to which themselves can be considered as you have earned in the current period. That is, the more clearly spelled out your evaluation forms labor, the more likely to avoid conflict or ambiguous interpretations in the future. But if you work and can not see its growth, before the authorities blame, try to objectively evaluate yourself by answering simple questions: I am engaged in self-education? Is my education office, and whether it is time to think about such things is not quite pleasant as distance learning on the profile or professional training? Do I understand from does the money for my salary? How is the salary of the total flow of money flowing to the account of the organization? Do I think an organization where I work, my? Do all program development Personnel, adopted by the company? And it is not worth it to join? Interesting for me all the events happening in the company? Do I know the strategic prospects of the organization? Try to check prices on currently in the labor market. nt Partners).