
All posts for the month March, 2014

Spain is the most popular European holiday destination for Europeans. This is the conclusion of the web of comparison of travel Zoover, who conducted a study between 15 million visitors to its website in 19 European countries. Italy stays in the second set, followed by France, Greece and Turkey, which together form the top five. The study data is observed that Spain is the country of holiday favorite for the vast majority of European countries, in countries such as Holland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Czech Republic and Great Britain, the country preferred holiday is Spain. The majority of Spaniards also choose Spain for their holidays, followed by Portugal, France and Italy.

The Nordic countries are clear that they prefer to travel to countries with good weather and beach in Spain, especially Canary tourism is the big favorite. The own country a favorite destination for some countries in some countries such as France, the country itself is the favorite for the holidays but Spain also here is preferred since it is in second place. The inhabitants of countries such as Portugal and Turkey also prefer in first place for a holiday in their own country. The language a language factor remains a factor taken into consideration for travel. Especially for the Spanish and Portuguese, but also like the Germans spend their holidays in their own country (3rd place) or a German, such as Switzerland and Austria speaking country. The same applies to the Swiss that although first they prefer a hot country, then your preferences are for countries where the same language is spoken. Transportation used to go to the destination of holiday the majority of Europeans arrive at their vacation destinations in plane (45%). Car travel is also popular, with 33 percent. Only 2.7% of Europeans traveling by train made their holiday destination.

Kelly Wedding

Kelly felt very sad because his son and his daughter-in-law would not have a complete wedding, according to their feelings. When closed the Messenger, Kelly him he asked Cleve but they could take charge of expenses, in the same way that Antonio had done with them. -Of course that I will do so. Now I return to communicate with them-. -Let me do this to me – he begged Kelly, – you know the important thing is for me all this. -He answered of course-Cleve. Do it-.

Kelly returned to call Mabel to tell him what had been decided. -Thanks for everything what they want to do for us – said you really grateful Mabel – but really Kelly, I always wanted a simple ceremony and the fact that neither my father nor my brothers may be present makes me reinforce that feeling. It is not just for the money that I don’t want to party, it’s here we have no true friends none of the two. We have certain friendships work and faculty, but we don’t feel them as one friendship deep and wouldn’t make much sense organising a party-. -Agreement – said Kelly with a sadness that could not disguise, – then let us give them the honey moon. -Again I have to thank you, but unfortunately, not that we can accept, since neither of them have vacation days for the remainder of the year. We have taken them to go to Uruguay and England respectively-. Kelly felt it could do nothing to provide their children a great wedding and that saddened her greatly, because for her it was very important things that last forever in the memory.

Do-I can at least give you the wedding dress? Please – said you humbly in a bid to help in the preparations. -That if you can. But remember that it has to be very simple.