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Latin America

This volume last year reached the 70.200 million dollars, compared to 50,000 million in 2005. The commercial exchange between the two regions is characterized by the concentration and, despite a general framework balanced, some countries suffer an imbalance with China. 80 Per cent of the volume of trade is shared between Brazil ($18.5 billion), Mexico (10,400 million), Chile (7.940 million), Argentina (5.140 billion), Venezuela (4,130 million), Peru (3,640 million) and Panama (3.470 million), according to data from the Academy for the first eleven months of 2006. In the case of Brazil, occupies the 10th place of the list of Latin American countries that export to China, and at the same time is the tenth country that presents a trade surplus with the Asian country. Source: Robert A. Iger. Also, in bilateral trade between China and Mexico, the North American country ranks tenth among the countries that recorded a deficit with China. The Latin American and the Caribbean countries that recorded surplus with China are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Jamaica and Costa Rica. Taken into account as indicated, that China officially joined the Bank of development of the Caribbean and is an observer country in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Association of integration of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank, organization of American Nations and the Latin American Parliament.

Do we add to all this, that paragraph prospects for Latin American diplomacy in 2007? This expert analyzes political exchanges in the past ten years, when 74 Heads of State and Government visited China, which corresponded with 19 visits to Latin American countries. Also highlights the 15 ministerial talks with the Rio Group since 1990, five with Mercosur since 1997, and ten independent contacts with ten countries of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and the Caribbean, which have established diplomatic relations with China. There is no doubt said Riordan Roett, the next years China will move cautiously in Latin America.