health and beauty

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Had to the new agreement of the tabgico vice and to the sprouting of new drugs, the possibilities of success in the attempts of abandonment of the tobacco had increased significantly. specialized justinian codes recommend that all the patients who intend to stop to smoke start to participate of support program to the abandonment of the tobaccoism, therefore this are not a simple and abrupt decision. Research shows that about 80% of the smokers they want to stop to smoke. However, only 3% obtain to each year, and the majority of this group stops without aid. Learn more at this site: Time Warner. This data are indicating of the capacity of the nicotine to cause dependence, therefore, probably, the ones that have low dependence are the ones that more obtain to stop to smoke without a formal treatment.

Also it is a pointer of low access of the smokers to the advances in the field of the ceasing to smoke, that they arrive to increase the taxes of ceasing of 3% for 20% 30% per year (INCA, 2001). The reduction of 50% in the consumption of the nicotine can unchain symptoms of abstinence in the dependent individuals: anxiety, irritability, riots of sleep, increase of the appetite, cognitivas alterations and fiction for the cigarette (BALBANI, 2005). The National Program of Control of Tabagismo (PNCT) articulates in average a set of action of educative character, of attention to the health, legislative and economic to prevent the initiation of the consumption, to promote its ceasing and to protect the population of the risks of the passive tobaccoism (INCA, 2008). The motivation for the abandonment of the tobaccoism necessary to be worked and improved by each professional of health next to the patient (COAST, 2006). Exactly having diverse actions and campaigns on the abandonment of the tobaccoism little it is known on the motivations for the abandonment of the tobaccoism. The health professionals need to argue with the tabagistas on the difficulties for abandonment, factors that take the fallen again one, as well as actions that motivate the individuals to remain abstinentes.

To finance the execution of the health politics, investments for new demands and expenditures of the SUS, the resources are placed in the three spheres of government (federal, state and municipal) through the Budget of Seguridade Social (OSS). A part of the federal resources is removed for investment and defrays of the federal actions and another one is repassed to the state and municipal secretariats as the necessities of health and assistencial net. In the states, the resources repassed for the Health department, added to the placed ones for the deep state and managing through a state one. Part of these resources is restrained for the actions and state services and part are repassed to the cities. The cities will go to manage all together the resources repassed with the collected ones through the Deep Municipal theatre of Health. The creation of this deep is of extreme importance to assure that the resources are managed for the health and not for the secretariat of the farm. The financing of the SUS is characterized by decurrent the cyclical and unstable behavior of the irregularity in the deriving financial flows of the Budget of Seguridade Social (OSS).

Moreover, it fits to stand out that the implementation of the SUS and the devices constitutional of universalizao of the assistance and decentralization of the health was not folloied of the expansion of the federal resources to finance the necessary innovations. At last, the integration of public politics not only directed toward the economic development of the country, but also toward the improvement in the quality of life of the population is necessary. The comprometimento and the support of all the society are basic to assure the overcoming of the challenges and to guarantee the success of the SUS. The interventions in health increase its Cantabrigian, having as objective the problems and necessities of health, its determinative and contraindicates ones. extends its space stops beyond the walls of the units of health and the system of health, happening on the life conditions and favoring the magnifying of healthful choices on the part of the citizens and collectives in the territory where they live and they work.