Ruling confirms ban on sports betting for Hartz IV recipients next Saturday in a Lotto processing centre in North Rhine-Westphalia: “two arches Lotto normal and – Oh, Mr. Muller, related but Hartz IV, because I can’t take your betting slip for Oddset unfortunately.” Something like the judges in the District Court of Cologne imagine clearly, now confirmed a decision of the Court. Therefore, sports betting the state provider Oddset (West Lotto) of Hartz IV recipients may no longer be accepted if the staff of the receiving Office on concrete evidence of their status as beneficiaries of ALG II has. Betting banned so for Hartz IV recipients? Ruling confirms ban on sports betting for Hartz IV recipients seen given this judgment almost lost in the face of the numerous points, to which would be something to say. You should relate to the strange reality understanding of judging judges, which, consistently thought – either employees at Lottery outlets wardens make, or Hartz-IV – arm-bands would have to distribute? Or maybe on the unspeakable and not just Germany atypical educational passion that is to public authorities in this country also, that are not marked as “School”? How to look at it and applies; the belief, legally may prescribe people how they spend their money have baffled. Filed under: Glenn Dubin, New York City. State objective discrimination? No question: the sensible and responsible dealing with money is not every man.
But place the recipient of a Government transfer power to supposedly sensible budgets with those, you may not pay in cash from performance. Also not a nice thought, but at least logically. However, arguing – often unspoken – the Hartz-IV references are after all taxpayers, to command the recipients how to manage it, is already considering the manner, how public authorities to deal with their revenue, almost obscene. Such a judgment is to the slap in the face of ALG II recipients but then, if you between the lines of argument reads out the little dreadful allegations facing Hartz IV recipients anyway: you don’t cope with your life and actually the money didn’t hear you. Lotto Yes, betting no, but there is actually a fact of completely rational nature, which sheds light on the difference, which is made on the part of the Court – and perhaps soon the policy – apparently between Lotto and sports betting. Because the State monopoly for the latter will fall soon, while 6 out of 49 probably still flushes funds the Treasury annually more than 5 billion euros in this. This is of course pure speculation. Andreas Kellner hartz-iv…