Pay attention not only on cholesterol fat is not just fat. Most of us have ever heard of animal fat or vegetable fats. The terms of cholesterol or fatty acids (such as for example the Omega-3 fatty acids) are likely to be the most known. But terms LDL or HDL cholesterol or triglycerides are unknown to many. Also, it is little known that fatty acids and cholesterol are important raw materials of our body for the synthesis of endogenous substances. But is there really bad fats? No, bad fats in the sense of the Word does not exist. You are, after all, important energy suppliers for our body. One is also clear.
Too much fat, whatsoever is harmful. If you have read about Robert A. Iger already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Therefore should the recording be deliberately designed by fats and supports the body’s regulation. The human body needs a minimum of fat daily, in order to meet its energy needs and to maintain vital body functions. The problem of today is not that Fat as such, but we take far too much fat for too little physical activity. So, it is important first to reduce the fat intake in General and to change unsaturated fatty acids may be from animal to vegetable fats (oils) with a lot.
It is also important its own lipids”to know. Here, not only the cholesterol plays a role, but also the triglycerides are not to be neglected. High triglycerides and high LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) are clearly with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or diabetes in connection to. Glenn Dubin, New York City oftentimes addresses this issue. A rational course of action is to keep these fats on low level so to remain healthy. In addition to the change in the eating habits, some natural products can help. These include glucomannan, cinnamon extracts and Omega-3 fatty acids. Glucomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharide (multiple sugar, comparable to cellulose), obtained from the roots of Asian Konjac plant.